Author Topic: GPS or GPS  (Read 4102 times)

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« on: October 07, 2011, 18:24:36 »
Good evening!
 To me has struck that the flights are subtracted only to direct GPS.
 Is this right? With flight distances in the upper flight space, distances and fuel have blown up time and completely around, otherwise! 

Guten Abend!
Mir ist aufgefallen, dass die Flüge nur nach direktem GPS abgerechnet werden.
Ist das richtig? Bei Flugstrecken im oberen Flugraum, sind Zeit Entfernungen und Treibstoff verpufft und ganz um sonst!

AIR Euronen CEO C.F.

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Re: GPS or GPS
« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2011, 19:24:45 »


with this I have made two experiences:

1) If I fly strictly the airways of the ICAO rules, I only see very margin difference in the distance compared to direct GPS.

2) OK, higher altitude means a little longer distance, but also a reduced air drag and fuel consumption. Normally I fly step climb, always the best relation of air drag, weight and speed. This altitude you get from the FMC/FMS. Step climbs because the rule of the allowed levels of the headings.




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Re: GPS or GPS
« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2011, 22:48:18 »

And it also stops pilots that do for example a 15hr flight,  from circling for 24hrs and then expecting to get paid for it

Cheers Glenn.

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Re: GPS or GPS
« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2011, 06:28:47 »
Dear Glenn!
It all started with a question to the system to better understand and plan properly.
Then we clear now on time. The pilot had not this week as a Bundeswehr soldier night service and its flight planning covered properly. This topic has been addressed and resolved. The last flight canceled. It will not happen again, he assured me, we are ready to flight or to have them corrected by you. In return, I expect, even if advised repeatedly to the free download of the system, including the aircraft in your fleet does not go with Max Load Range and MAX are.
Talkshow about a little equal Wetbewerb I find nothing wrong or schädlig for the forum, which is why I hope that this contribution remains in the forum. Maladministration, misconduct or error should be registered is also spoken in real life about it. Because some of the intended one and the other to think, can not only be a direct replacement carried out under the players practiced just like Glenn. Conclusions from this forum post, there is still much to be done to all the pages devoted to this system to silence. We admire and participate in the work of which you put into this system.

Lieber Glenn!
Alles fing mit einer Frage an um das System besser zu verstehen und richtig zu planen.
Dann räumen wir jetzt mal auf.
Der Pilot hatte diese Woche als Bundeswehrsoldat Nachtdienst und seine Flugplanung nicht richtig überdacht.
Das Thema wurde angesprochen und beseitigt. Der letzte Flug abgebrochen. Es wird nicht wieder vorkommen versicherte er mir, wir sind bereit den oder die Flüge von Euch berichtigen zu lassen. Im Gegenzug erwarte ich, auch wenn immer wieder auf die freeware des Systems hingewiesen wird, Das unter anderem auch in Eurer Flotte Flugzeuge nicht mit Max-Load und MAX-Range unterwegs sind.
Eine kleine Diskusion über gleichberechtigten Wetbewerb finde ich nicht falsch oder schädlig für das Forum, aus diesem Grund hoffe ich das dieser Beitrag im Forum bleibt.
Sollten Mißständer, Fehler oder Fehlverhalten registriert werden wird auch in dem realen Leben darüber gesprochen. Da bestimmt einige über das eine und ander nachdenken, kann nicht nur ein direkter Austausch unter den Mitspielern erfolgen wie Glenn gerade praktizierte. Fazit aus diesem Forumsbeitrag ist, es gibt weiterhin viel zu tun um alle Seiten die sich mit diesem System beschäftigen ruhig zu stellen. Wir bewundern und partizipieren von der Arbeit die Ihr in dieses System steckt.
AIR Euronen CEO AEU100/AEU911/AEUfly/CEO C.F.


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Re: GPS or GPS
« Reply #4 on: October 08, 2011, 06:49:03 »

Firstly my explanation about why we use direct A to B gps to record flights was not meant personally to your pilot, even though he was making quite a habit of not planning was meant simply as an explanation as to why we use direct gps, hence the word ´example´.

As for aircraft that are not realistic , you are more than welcome to submit via the ticket system or on the forums an example of an aircraft that you think may need to be changed, and if we agree we shall change it,  as you may notice we are constantly updating our fleet info.
Thanks Glenn.


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Re: GPS or GPS
« Reply #5 on: October 08, 2011, 07:07:34 »
Good morning!
 Many thanks for the answer of my general question. We will will try to book about the system only directly flights GPS. 
 Thus a more actual planning is possible. 

Guten Morgen!
Vielen Dank für die Beantwortung meiner allgemeinen Frage . Wir werden also versuchen über das System nur noch direkt GPS Flüge zu buchen.
So ist eine effektivere Planung möglich.

AIR Euronen CEO C.F.


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Re: GPS or GPS
« Reply #6 on: October 08, 2011, 07:18:17 »

I think you might misunderstand, but you are free to use a proper FMC plan on flights, for example  I always try to use actual real plans and NAT tracks when flying , the only thing is if your plan takes you slightly futher with regards to NM´s then you will not receive them, but as Tom said, real life plans are usually designed to be as short and economical as possible so you will not lose many miles, and may actually gain some time.

Also I believe, if we are to be more like real life, that airlines will be using direct GPS in the future as it is now safe to do long FMC plans will become a thing of the past......therefore SSF is again leading the world in simulation aviation.

Thanks again for your input, as we always like to hear from our users.


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Re: GPS or GPS
« Reply #7 on: October 11, 2011, 11:40:17 »
All we use up here is direct, might also have to do with the fact that ground based navigation is few and far between.  BTW, I flew to Eureka, Nunavut yesterday which is north of the Magnetic north pole.

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Re: GPS or GPS
« Reply #8 on: October 11, 2011, 17:28:25 »
  BTW, I flew to Eureka, Nunavut yesterday which is north of the Magnetic north pole.

Would that not be south of the north pole   ;)


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Re: GPS or GPS
« Reply #9 on: October 22, 2011, 02:11:16 »
Naturally, and don't trust your compass, something about it saying you are flying east when you are actually flying north.

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Re: GPS or GPS
« Reply #10 on: October 24, 2011, 11:29:58 »
In our VA, we always try to set a high altitude flight plan and rarely fly direct unless we are short for time. The great thing about filing a flight plan allows for some wind compensation if you keep an eye on the weather in the real world if you fly with real-world weather turned on. Naturally, air flow moves west to east (unless in something like a hurricane) and are known as the trade winds. You should understand that flying west normally slows down and flying east speeds up. If you are on a long-range flight and fly over the poles, you can cut that flight time down severely and may actually help you out, but the question of Direct or Flight Plan is on a user/VA basis. With Asheville, we aren't required to do it, but are encouraged to make flight plans because of ever-changing weather (particularly where we fly in the United States).

Hope this helps,
“Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return.” - Leonardo da Vinci