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VA Confusion ??


Used to Fly with NORCAL Prop Club...

They switched to SKYSIMFLIGHT with SOFTS...   then WRECKERMAN quit and shut it down.

Now he's apparently found the 'flying-gods' again and starting NorCal up again...

It appears that I'm now listed on Socal in SkysimFlight.

Don't care... just like SOFTS and want to keep flyin'...

Whazzzup 'hardlander'... ?

Rick / Canada  :)

Almost everyone left there was no one running the VA except myself then a person came back to the airline and took 4 of our pilots and went back to simfly that really sucked big time so I talked to the guys here and ask if I could do this and we did there was only 2 of us left flying here. You are then welcome to fly with us. if you look the the flights 3 of us have been flying here for the last month. we had no one to do the VA admin stuff so I took it on myself with the blessing of one of the other pilots. thats what is going on here.

Thanks for the Info.

Looks like a lot of folks bailed out + the whole thing is on the mend, not just NorCal/Socal.

Hang in there Folks !


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