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Project Airbus A321 Released



--- Quote ---We're happy to announce that the Project Airbus Airbus A321 has now been released!

The model was originally made by Andy Warden, and has received modifications by Derek Mayer over time; these—amongst others—include:

- improved wingflex code with input from several new parameters including ground spoilers, fuel load, and angle of attack
- improved dynamic shine
- improved wing parts
- new antenna hiding method
- modelled engine innards, fan semi-transparent at high rpm
- custom fan animations (including fan windmilling)
- double strobes
- improved control surface droop w/engines off
- custom nose wheel steering code
- rudder influenced by wind during surface droop

The FSX models were exported by Thomas Ruth.

The A321 is being distributed via a single base package and individual livery packages. Detailed installation instructions can be found in the Readme text that comes with every download.

One small note regarding the livery installer tool: The Readme neglects to mention that you may install more than one livery at once. Simply unzip all the paints you downloaded into your aircraft folder and run the tool once afterwards (it will install however many paints it detects in the folder). Don't forget both engine variants have their own livery tool.

The paint kit will be released in a few days time.
--- End quote ---

For the full article and download links, see here: http://www.pairbus.com/discussion/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=1123

Thanks fellow Pilot, KONG1 is upgraded... ;)

nice catch collegeroad ;)

thx Mike

yep saw that on another site and thought it was nice for guys to try something other than default A321.  ;D

just tested it and it has a realy good outsite grafik but no VC :(
but still worth to check it

greets Mike


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